Hukamnama from Golden Temple , Amritsar, 16.03.21


Hukamnama from Golden Temple , Amritsar,

{ As on date :–  16.03.2021, Tuesday,  Page no. 621 }


Soratth mahalla 5 ghar 3 chayopadey

Ikk oankaar satgur parsaad .


Mil panchu nahee sehasaa chukaayaa . Sikdaarhu neh pateeyaayaa . Umraavhu aagae jheraa . Mil raajan raam nibeyraa . 1 . Abb ddhoonddhan katahu na jaayee . Gobind bheytey gur gosaayee . Rahaayo . Aayaa prabh darbaaraa . Ta shagalee mittee pookaaraa . Labadh aapnee paayee . Ta kat aavae kat jaayee . 2 . Teh saach neyaaye nibeyraa . Oohaa sam tthaakur sam cheyraa . Antarjaamee jaanae . Bin bolat aap pachaanae . 3 . Sarab thaan ko raajaa . Teh anhad sabad agaajaa . Tis pehe kya chaturaayee . Mil naanak aap gavaayee . 4 . 1 . 51 .


English translation:-


Sorat’h, fifth mehl, third house, chau-padas:

One universal creator god. By the grace of the true guru:

Meeting with the council, my doubts were not dispelled. The chiefs did not give me satisfaction. I presented my dispute to the noblemen as well. But it was only settled by meeting with the King, my Lord. || 1 || Now, I do not go searching anywhere else, because I have met the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. || Pause || When I came to God’s Darbaar, His Holy Court, then all of my cries and complaints were settled. Now that I have attained what I had sought, where should I come and where should I go? || 2 || There, true justice is administered. There, the Lord Master and His disciple are one and the same. The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows. Without our speaking, He understands. || 3 || He is the King of all places. There, the unstruck melody of the Shabad resounds. Of what use is cleverness when dealing with Him? Meeting with Him, O Nanak, one loses his self-conceit. || 4 || 1 || 51 ||




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